The Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Over 100 Years of Combined Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Experience and over $1 Billion in verdicts and settlements secured for our clients.

CONTACT US TODAY The Statute of Limitations Clock is Ticking!
Free Case Evaluation (Above)
Your Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer
When a loved one suffers neglect and abuse in a nursing home or assisted living facility, it's not just a betrayal of trust—the family also feels guilt about having put their loved one in the facility.

Contact us if you or a loved one has experienced:
Neglect: Lack of basic care leading to bed sores, dehydration, falls, fractures, injury, infection, or death.
Physical Abuse: Unexplained injuries, bruises, or broken bones.
Sexual Abuse: Unwanted sexual contact.
Emotional Abuse: Verbal assaults, threats, forced isolation, and inhumane treatment.
Your story is more than just a case—it's a personal calling for justice. Tell us your story, and together, we can help stop the neglect and abuse that occurs in these facilities and hold the corporations accountable.
It demands justice and closure.
With thousands of cases won and over $1 Billion in verdicts and settlements secured for our clients, we know how to get justice for victims of nursing home abuse and neglect. Complete our free case evaluation form to find out more.

In the fight against nursing home abuse, silence is the enemy. Speaking out is your most powerful weapon.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit Victories


Bed Sores &






& Death


Sexual Abuse

No vulnerable elderly or disabled person should be subjected to abuse or neglect, especially when they are promised care and comfort.

Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

We are the law firm other lawyers turn to for help and expertise to win their cases.
Our firm is focused on the critical areas of nursing home neglect abuse law and assisted living facility neglect abuse law. We specialize in bringing justice to nursing home residents and their families. As the experts in nursing home abuse cases, we know the difficulties of successful nursing home abuse litigation and how to avoid them.
With over a century of combined nursing home abuse litigation experience, we offer a complete understanding of your case. Our attorneys leverage their unique backgrounds as both criminal prosecutors and civil defense lawyers in nursing home abuse litigation to secure successful outcomes through unmatched legal expertise—providing you the peace of mind you deserve.
In addition to our legal expertise, our law firm develops and uses proprietary data analytics, staffing computer models, graphics, and assessment data to offer unparalleled approach into winning nursing home neglect and abuse cases. This sets us apart with a data-driven approach to win your fight for justice.
Contact our specialized assisted living and nursing home abuse lawyer team today to learn about your legal rights under federal and state laws. Our consultation and assessment are free of charge. You don't owe us anything unless we win. Call us now, and let us help you and your family.
We Fight Against Nursing Home Abuse in 16 States
Our law firm champions the rights of nursing home abuse victims across 16 states, leveraging extensive expertise and a commitment to justice. With our proven track record of securing favorable outcomes, we dedicate ourselves to ensuring the safety and dignity of our clients.

States we currently serve:
New Mexico
North Carolina
Let Us Help You Find Justice and Make a Change That Matters
We are committed to improving the quality of care provided to helpless elderly and disabled residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Our dedication to this cause is demonstrated by our history of prosecuting individual and class action lawsuits against nursing homes and assisted living corporations.