Jury found for Plaintiffs on all issues, allocated responsibility at 70% Beverly Enterprises and 30%
Beverly Enterprises Texas. Additionally, found that both Defendants had engaged in intentional fraud.
$12,000,000 pain & suffering.
$ 1,000,000 disfigurement.
$70,000,000 punitive damages.
$83,000,000 Total Award.
11 1 (20 day trial)
Medical malpractice statute 4590i requires a reduction in the judgment. Judgment was entered on 12897:
$1,316,500 actuals Beverly Enterprises
$1,316,500 actuals Beverly Enterprises TX
$36,400,000 punitive Beverly Enterprises
$15,600,000 puni. Beverly Enterprises TX
$54,633,000 Total Judgment
Pretrial demand: $4.7M
Pretrial offer: $3.5M
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