Severe expense reductions by large corporate nursing home chain (Senior Living Properties) leads to horrific bedsore and systemic neglect.

“Plaintiffs’ decedent Dud Grover Bailey, 90, resided at Electra Healthcare Center from February 1992 until his death on Oct. 14, 2000. While there, his diagnoses included organic brain syndrome, neurogenic bladder with suprapubic catheter after prostate-removal, multiple strokes, myocardial infarction, hypotension, iron deficiency anemia, dementia with psychosis, skin breakdown, constipation and urinary tract infections.

Alleging that Bailey suffered injuries and died as the result of the facility’s neglect, Bailey’s estate and his adult daughter sued Senior Living Properties LLC, of Carmel, Ind., operating as Electra Healthcare Center; SLP Management Inc., Complete Care Services L.P., of Horsham, Pa., and Complete Care Services of Texas Inc., one or more of which allegedly staffed and managed the facility; administrator Robert D. Caird; nursing director Cathryn J. Orona; Sharon A. Hohenstein; and Susan Crume. The plaintiffs alleged that Bailey was completely dependent on the facility for his daily care, and that the defendants failed to follow their own policies and procedures, staff the nursing department adequately, notify his attending physician of significant changes, follow physician orders, and care for Bailey’s needs timely and appropriately. These failures resulted from understaffing at the facility generally, of which the corporate defendants were aware, the plaintiffs alleged.”

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