Lynn Fitzhugh, Individually and As Representative of Geraldine Jones Pyle, Deceased vs. Telesis/Walnut Place Nursing Home, Inc.

Type of Claim — Nursing Home Negligence/Malpractice – On February 24, 1996, Geraldine Jones Pyle was found dead in her room at Defendant’s nursing home facility, Walnut Place, from strangulation due to vest restraints. Mrs. Pyle was a resident at the facility from November 1995 until her death on February 24, 1996. 

Plaintiffs alleged numerous violations of minimum nursing home regulations and standards of care with respect to application and monitoring of patients in vest restraints. 

Defendant denied violations of regulator standards; asserted Mrs. Pyle’s death was actually caused by a heart attack or stroke as opposed to the vest restraints themselves.

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