Father fell 50 times in two years, son alleged


Plaintiffs’ decedent Billy Hughes, 82, resided at Childress Healthcare Center from Jan. 1, 1998, until his death, on Dec. 26, 1999, He fell there at least 50 times, and 37 of the falls were unwitnessed. 

Alleging that the nursing home’s negligence caused Hughes’ falls, injuries and death, his estate and adult son sued Senior Living Properties LLC, of Carmel, Ind., operating as Childress Healthcare Center; SLP Management Inc., of Carmel, Ind., and Complete Care Services L.P., of Horsham, Pa., one or both of which allegedly staffed and managed the facility; administrator Faye Houston; nursing director Sharon Wadley, R.N.; Angela Klepper, LVN; and Michele E. Bogges, LVN. 

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